Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Great snack ideas!!

Here are some great high energy snack ideas. Stick to the serving size.

All Bran crackers and string cheese
All Bran crackers and tuna (make ahead)
String cheese and slice of turkey breast
Slice of bread with 1 tablespoon peanut butter (natural) add sliced bananas
Fruit (add peanut butter or cheese)
Raw Veggies
Raw almonds 10-12
Protein shake
yogurt (low fat)
Cottage cheese (add salsa)
protein bar
Beans with wheat tortilla (high in protein and fiber) add mozzarella cheese
small bowl of high fiber cereal (kashi crunch is high in protein as well)

A good rule of thumb is to pick something that is high in calcium, fiber, and protein. It's important to start to think of food as fuel not substance. Meaning we are trying to fuel our strong bodies, not just fill it up. Your body will begin to operate like a machine if you give it constant fuel. Once you start to starve your machine it won't know what to rely on so, it will hold onto what it needs most. Making it harder for you to burn off the fat. Hope this helps.


Jammin' said...

This helps soooo much, Smess. These are some snacks I can so eat. In fact, I think I'll go eat something right now. . .

Jammin' said...

Oh! One more thing. I'm really looking forward to the promised core work-out. This baby belly needs some work.