Sunday, August 10, 2008

Triathlon Training Schedule

I am posting a beginner Triathlon Sprint schedule. This is for anyone who is wanting to train for a Tri or wanting a different twist to their current workout. You can do as much or as little as you like. I am personally training for my first Tri and will give you feed back on this particular program.

To begin you need to be able to do the following to begin a 13 week training program, so as right now this is all I am going to be giving you. Work on this program and then we will start the next step. For stamina purposes you need to be able to swim for 20 min, bike for 30 min, and run for 20 min. That means no stopping and at what ever pace you desire. To keep from burning out start at what level you currently are and work up to the time I listed above. Now, how often? Run and swim 2-3 times a week and bike 1-2.

I hope this gives you a starting point. Now if you are asking yourself, "What is a Sprint Triathlon?", I will tell you. Swim .5 miles, Bike 13 miles, and Run 3.2 miles.

So try this out it you like. I will post Tri dates and more workouts for you in the coming weeks. Good luck!!

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