Monday, April 20, 2009

Simple Nutrition; the Foundation for Success

At the beginning of every year many people desire to lose weight, and so the grueling task begins as people seek after the latest weight loss trend in hopes that the magic in those books will secure for them a thinner future. However, in reality, being armed with “Simple Nutrition” is all that’s needed for that thinner future we all desire.

At first it may seem difficult and uncomfortable to change the way we think and eat. But, like anything worth obtaining, it just takes some work. “Simple Nutrition” is exactly what it sounds like, nutrition made simple. I like to think of it as going back to the basics in eating. Your mom always told you to eat your vegetables and guess what … She’s right!

In an effort to keep it simple, here are my 5 easy rules to eating better:

White isn’t always best! Most white carbs contain zero nutrition, so don’t eat them. Aim to eat a diet high in complex carbs; such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, beans, and whole wheat breads. Eating complex carbs will give you the fiber you need to help clean out your intestines and will help you feel full for longer periods of time.

Eat fat! That’s right, good fat is good for you. Make sure to have one “good” fat per meal. Good fats can include avocado, olive oil, peanut butter, nuts, and butter. You can eat too much of good fats though, so make sure to keep your consumption around 10 grams of fat per meal. This will give your body confidence to burn the fat you have stored.

Don’t be dairy-free. Calcium aids in weight loss. Don’t underestimate a snack high in calcium. Our bodies use calcium to contract muscle. If we have a diet low in calcium, it will be harder for our bodies to “work out” since there is a shortage of calcium to aid in contraction. The muscles will most likely take the calcium it needs from our bones. Great calcium snacks can include yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, broccoli, and spinach.

Eat your Protein. Lean protein also helps our bodies feel full and aids in muscle repair. Ladies, don’t be afraid to eat protein. It will help you look lean and keep you from snacking, because you will feel full and satisfied. Try and include one lean protein in every meal. Lean proteins can include turkey, chicken, and fish.

The more natural it is, the better it is for you. Our bodies need good fuel to help it function properly. The less “junk” that is in our foods, the smoother our bodies will run. Just like a car, the less “junk” in the fuel and oils used in the engine the more powerful the car.

If you can use these rules when choosing your meal, you will begin the process of feeling stronger and looking leaner. I like to tell those around me that losing weight isn’t magic, its math. BUT, you can’t build on a weak foundation. Using the “Simple Nutrition” guidelines outlined above, we can strengthen our foundation and set the stage for our bodies to lose weight and build muscle. If we desire a stronger, healthier body then we need to make sure that our eating isn’t jeopardizing our goals. Follow these rules, and your body will have the fuel you need to get through the day and workouts will become easier for you.


Kristal said...

Always good to be reminded of these. Did you do Pat's Run? I saw the announcement of 8th place on your side bar...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jessi- we all know these things but somehow forget them! Thanks for the reminder! Love ya!

. said...

Excuse me....

Why didn't I know about this blog? Did I miss something? Apparently it's been around for, like, a YEAR! Maybe you told me and I blocked it because I was preggers....Not sure.

So anyway,
Good for you. I am very excited to follow your second blog. I need advice, too (if you don't mind) because I've been feeling pretty down about health lately. Got half-way to baby weight loss goal and crashed....

It's pretty bad. I'm not really sure where to go from here since there aren't many resources around here (gyms, rinks, etc). Maybe you can give me some ideas for some you mind? You already know that I have resistance bands, a yoga ball, and some free weights. The eliptical will be out of storage soon (I hope). Will you help me not be embarrassed anymore? I used to be in such great shape and don't know how to get back there. I'm rambling and venting.

I miss you.

. said...

I had a chemistry teacher who was really into nutrition. He made a good point: you should shop around the perimeter at the grocery store and leave the isles alone (for the most part). He's right! Meats, eggs, milk,'s all in the perimeter. Even the RAW nuts are with the produce.

That always stuck with me.