Friday, March 5, 2010

Stretching; "How Boring!"

"How Boring!" you say? Maybe so, but did you know that stretching can determine how successful you are at training? It's true. Let me explain.

Think about your last trip to the gym, track, class, etc. You work hard, all throughout your training session. When it's over you're ready to hit the showers, but wait! What about those muscles you just trashed? It's important to stretch them out so that you can come back the next day and pound out another workout. Here are some benefits of stretching: (taken from

1. Stretching increases flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring.

2. Stretching improves range of motion of your joints. Good range of motion keeps you in better balance, which will help keep you mobile and less prone to falls — and the related injuries — especially as you age.

3. Stretching improves circulation. Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Improved circulation can speed recovery after muscle injuries.

4. Stretching can relieve stress. Stretching relaxes the tense muscles that often accompany stress.

I challenge you this year to take an extra few moments to stretch your strong muscles. You may find that you sleep better, move easier, and are more relaxed. Don't forget to breathe!!


Anonymous said...

The Cheetah thinks that your reasons and ideas for stretching are fantastic! It all ties in with preventative medicine. Take care of the problem before it happens, rather than waiting for it to happen and then taking care of it. Great job Jessica! Love it!

jessi said...

Thanks for the comment! I agree, let's be proactive with our bodies. That way they just may last longer and perform better.