Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You Can!

I know that life is busy.  I know that life can be hard.  But I also know that if you want something bad enough, you CAN achieve it.  I train hard, it's my moto.  But I didn't always train this way.  Like some of you, it was scary to me to train hard.  I could barely run a mile.  But through the martial arts, I gained discipline and a strong desire to be more than I was.  Little by little, my body became stronger and so did my mind.  Now, I know that it is because I BELIEVED, that i was able to ACHIEVE. 

Don't ever tell yourself you CAN'T, or that you're not worth it.  Having a strong mind, is changing the negative to positive, and telling your body to shut up.  YOU CAN!!  YOU CAN!!  YOU CAN!! Watch this video, then you decide if you CAN or can't.


Lauren Porter said...

WOW! That was a very moving story! Thanks for sharing!

jessi said...

I thought it was incredible the sacrifice his father makes for his son. You've done a tri, could you imagine doing 4 times the distance while pulling and pushing someone. Incredible!! Thanks for the comment.

Meredith said...

Love that guy!!! I remember years and years ago, the first time around losing 25 lbs before i had kids, that when I was working out and tired, I thought of him pulling his son in a raft behind him while he swam and if he could do THAT, I could work out another 15 minutes.